Wie komme ich dorthin?

Wann? • Adverbs of Time
In this lesson you'll learn vocabulary and grammar related to going places, asking for simple directions and receiving directions. You'll learn words and phrases that will let you talk about going places, as well as understand what someone else says when giving simple directions.
One word of caution before we begin. Asking for directions is easy. Understanding the torrent of German you may get back is another story! Most German textbooks/courses teach you how to ask the questions, but fail to deal adequately with the understanding aspect. That's why we will also teach you some coping skills in this lesson to help in such situations. One example is to ask your question in such a way that it will elicit a simple ja or nein, or a simple "left," "straight ahead" or "right" answer. And don't forget those ever reliable hand signals that work in any language!
German has two question words for asking "where." One (wo?) is for asking the location of someone or something. The other (wohin?) is for asking about motion or direction ("where to").
For instance, in English you would use "where" to ask both "Where are the keys?" (location) and "Where are you going?" (motion/direction). In German these two questions require two different forms of "where":
Wo sind die Schlüssel? ("Where are the keys?")
Wohin gehen Sie? ("Where are you going?")
In English this can be compared to the difference between the location question "where's it at?" (poor English, but it gets the idea across) and the direction question "where to?" But in German you can only use wo? for "where's it at?" (location) and wohin? for "where to?" (direction). Sometimes wohin gets split in two, as in: "Wo gehen Sie hin?" But you can't use wo without hin to ask about motion or direction in German. - You must always use the correct form of "where" for location (wo?) or motion/direction (wohin?).
Now let's look at some common words and expressions related to directions and places we might go to. You need to memorize this vocabulary.
Notice that in some of the phrases below, the gender (der/die/das) may affect the article, as in "in die Kirche" or "an den See". Notice that der sometimes changes to den, and so on. You'll learn more about the grammar for this in a future lesson. For now, just notice what's going on related to gender! | |
Englisch | Deutsch |
along/down | entlang |
back | zurück |
in the direction of/towards... | in Richtung auf... |
left - to the left | links - nach links |
right - to the right | rechts - nach rechts |
straight ahead | geradeaus (guh-RAH-duh-ouse) |
up to, until | bis zum (masc./neut.) |
north - to the north | der Nord(en) - nach Norden |
south - to the south | der Süd(en) - nach Süden |
east - to the east | der Ost(en) - nach Osten |
west - to the west | der West(en) - nach Westen |
Note: More compass directions can be formed in German just as in English by combining more than one element. Northwest - Nordwesten, Northeast - Nordosten, Southwest - Südwesten, etc. |
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